Custom Report App

The Custom Reports App is owned and built by a 3rd party developer (Treefrog Digital). For questions regarding setup, printing, or support, contact

The Custom Reports App Functionality

Our Custom Reports App enables you to run reports inside Commerce7. When you run the report, you will get an email with a link to download the report as a CSV file. 

For quick access to the topic you are looking for, click the corresponding link below:

Reports available in the app

There are numerous reports available, depending on what you’re looking for. Below is a list of each report available on our app. To view a description of the report along with a detailed summary of the included data columns, please click on the report name.


The following are reports related to club memberships:


The following are reports related to finances:

If you need a state sales tax report that provides an overview of sales and tax information by country and state, including gross sales and sales tax data, we recommend you check out our Geocoding App.


The following are reports related to orders:

We can also build a custom report for your needs. We base the initial charge on an hourly rate. Once we have created the report, you can run it anytime you want inside Commerce7 via our Custom Reports app.

To build a custom report for you, please send us a sample of your needs at

Installing the Custom Reports App

Navigate to the app store in your Commerce7 admin panel and click on the Custom Reports app. You need to have an Admin Owner role to see this page.

Click on the INSTALL button to install the application. After the installation is complete, the application will appear under the Reports menu page from your admin panel.

Running a Custom Report

Running a custom report, it’s easy. Head into Reports from your Admin panel, then click on the Customer Reports App. 

Once inside the app, you will see several reports available. By default, the Customer Report app includes several reports, which you can find in detail at the beginning of this documentation:

Click on the report you want to run, for example, "205 Shipping Report".

Inside the report window, you’ll see options to select the Start and End Dates for the data you wish to display on the report. Depending on the report you might see additional data selection points. For example,  in the 205 shipping report you can select the fulfillment status, channel and order delivery method.

Once you have selected the filters for the data, click on the Submit button.

After submitting the report then:

  1. The app will run the report, and you will get a notification stating: “Your report has been processed and will be emailed to you shortly.”
  2. The status of the report will show under a list in the same window. 
  3. After a couple of minutes, you will receive an email notification with a link to download the report. 

You can also download the report from the app. However, it might just take a few extra seconds or minutes for the download button to show. By this time, you should also have received the email containing your report.

Keep in mind that the Download Link expires within 24 hours.

Club Reports Detailed Summary

Club Memberships

This report provides detailed information about your club membership, including both current and historical data. It covers aspects such as membership status, club type, cancellation dates, and shipping and billing information. The report features a flexible filtering system, enabling you to view data within specific date ranges and enhancing your ability to track membership changes and updates over time.

The report is obtained from the Club Membership endpoint.

No filters are available.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Wine Club #
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Email
  • Customer Email 2
  • Sales Associate
  • Club Source
  • Status
  • Club
  • Club Type
  • Signup Date
  • Cancel Date
  • Cancellation Reason
  • Cancellation Comments
  • Last Processed Date
  • Current Number of Shipments
  • Bill To First Name
  • Bill To Last Name
  • Bill To Company
  • Bill To Address
  • Bill To Address 2
  • Bill To City
  • Bill To State Code
  • Bill To Zip Code
  • Bill To Country Code
  • Bill To Phone
  • Ship To First Name
  • Ship To Last Name
  • Ship To Company
  • Ship To Address
  • Ship To Address 2
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Ship To Country Code
  • Ship To Phone
  • Order Delivery Method: Ship, Carry Out & Pick up

Club Shipping Labels Report

Optimize your wine club shipment management with our comprehensive report. View essential shipping label details, including customer names, addresses, and wine club packages. Utilize flexible date filters for a thorough review and analysis of specific shipping periods, granting you full control over managing your wine club shipments effectively.

The report is obtained from the Club Membership endpoint.

No filters are available.

Below are the columns in the default report. 

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Wine Clube Package

Financial Reports Detailed Summary

Financial Report

This report allows you to view all information related to your orders. It includes detailed insights on refunds, delivery methods, fulfillment types, billing and shipping information, and financial breakdowns such as SKU, quantity, price, discounts, COGS, shipping costs, tips, taxes, payment types, and sales associate data. The report is filterable by date range for your convenience.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date and includes bundle breakouts.

Below are the columns in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Number
  • Refund From Order Number
  • Channel: Inbound, Web, Club & POS
  • Order Delivery Method: Ship, Carry Out & Pick up
  • Fulfillment 1 Type: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Email
  • Bill To Address
  • Bill To Address 2
  • Bill To City
  • Bill To State Code
  • Bill To Zip Code
  • Ship To First Name
  • Ship To Last Name
  • Ship To Company
  • Ship To Address
  • Ship To Address 2
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Product Title
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title: 750ml, 1.5 Liter, etc.
  • SKU
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Total Discount
  • Cost Of Good
  • SubTotal
  • Shipping Total
  • Tax Total
  • Total
  • Tip Total
  • Total After Tip
  • Tax Type: Wine
  • Department Code
  • Payment Type: Cash & Credit Card
  • Sales Associate
  • Processor

Fulfilled Detail

This report will provide a detailed overview of order fulfillment processes. It captures critical data points such as fulfillment dates, delivery methods, and status updates, SKUs, pick up location and quantity fulfilled, alongside financial metrics like pricing, revenue, discount, shipping cost and taxes. The ability to filter this data by date range enhances its utility, allowing for targeted analysis over specific periods.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order fulfilled date and includes orders with the following fulfillment status: No Fulfillment Required, Fulfilled and Partially Fulfilled.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order Number
  • Order Delivery Method: Ship, Carry Out & Pick up
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Ship To Country Code
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Channel: Inbound, Web, Club & POS
  • Pickup Up By
  • Pickup Location
  • Inventory Location Id
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title: 750ml, 1.5 Liter, etc.
  • SKU
  • Dept Code
  • Quantity
  • Quantity Fulfilled
  • Original Price
  • Price
  • TAX

Fulfilled Summary Report

This report will allow you to view the summary of the information used to fulfill your orders, including order fulfillment dates, status updates, pick up location alongside financial metrics like pricing, revenue, discounts, shipping cost and taxes. The ability to filter this data by date range enhances its utility, allowing for targeted analysis over specific periods.

If you're in need of specific data such as Order Delivery Method, Product Variant Title, SKU, Dept Code, Quantity, Quantity Fulfilled, Original Price or Price, consider exploring our Fulfilled Detail Report. It's tailored to provide comprehensive insights into these aspects of your orders.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order fulfilled date and includes orders with the following fulfillment status: No Fulfillment Required, Fulfilled and Partially Fulfilled.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order NumberCustomer 
  • First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Ship To Country Code
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Channel: Inbound, Web, Club & POS
  • Pickup Up By
  • Pickup Location
  • Inventory Location Id
  • TAX

Revenue Detail Report

This report will allow you to view the order's gross revenue and some information used to fulfill your orders, including date of order fulfilled, SKUs, fulfillment status, quantities pending fulfillment, and financial details like price, gross revenue, discount, shipping cost and taxes. You will be able to filter by date range.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order Number
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Ship To Country Code
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title: 750ml, 1.5 Liter, etc.
  • SKU
  • Dept Code
  • Quantity
  • Quantity Fulfilled
  • Original Price
  • Price
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • TAX

Revenue Summary Report

This report will allow you to view the order's gross revenue and summary information used to fulfill your orders, including date of order fulfilled, fulfillment status, gross revenue, discount, shipping cost and taxes. You will be able to filter by date range.

If you're in need of specific data such as Customer Last Name, Product Variant Title, SKU, Dept Code, Quantity, Quantity Fulfilled, Original Price or Price, consider exploring our Revenue Detail Report. It's tailored to provide comprehensive insights into these aspects of your orders.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order Number
  • Customer First Name
  • Ship To City
  • Ship To State Code
  • Ship To Zip Code
  • Ship To Country Code
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • TAX

Tender Detail Report

Our report provides a detailed analysis of tender transactions, covering order numbers, payment dates, tender and charge types, total amounts tendered, tip amounts, and channels. Easily filter by date range for targeted data examination.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date.

Below are the columns that are in the default report.

  • Order #
  • Paid Date
  • Tender Type: Credit Card & Cash
  • Credit Card: MasterCard
  • Charge Type: Sale & Refund
  • Amount Tendered
  • Tip
  • Processor: No Gateway
  • Channel: Inbound, Web, Club & POS

Tender Report

The financial tender report is a comprehensive tool that provides an overview of all transactions, including sales and refunds. It is designed to give a clear picture of financial activity over a selected period. With the ability to filter by date range, users can pinpoint specific transactions, analyze trends, and make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date financial data. 

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date, channel, order delivery method and POS profile.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

Charge Type - Sales

  • Date
  • Credit Card
  • Cash
  • COD
  • External
  • Debit
  • Loyalty Points
  • Gift Card
  • Other
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Sub-total

Charge Type - Refund

  • Date
  • Credit Card
  • Cash
  • COD
  • External
  • Debit
  • Loyalty Points
  • Gift Card
  • Other
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Sub-total

Charge Type - All

  • Date
  • Credit Card
  • Cash
  • COD
  • External
  • Debit
  • Loyalty Points
  • Gift Card
  • Other
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Total

Unfulfilled Detail Report

This report will allow you to view the detailed information of orders that have been paid but not yet shipped, including date of order fulfillment, current fulfillment status, SKUs, quantities pending fulfillment, and financial details like price, deferred gross revenue, deferred discount, deferred shipping cost and taxes. Additionally, you will be able to filter this information by specific date ranges, allowing for targeted analysis and efficient order management. 

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date and includes orders with the following fulfillment status: Not Fulfilled and Partially Fulfilled.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order Number
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title: 750ml, 1.5 Liter, etc
  • SKU
  • Quantity
  • Quantity Fulfilled
  • Price
  • Original Price

Unfulfilled Summary Report

This report will allow you to view the summary information of orders that have been paid but not yet shipped, including date of order fulfillment, current fulfillment status, and financial details like deferred gross revenue, deferred discount, deferred shipping cost and taxes. Additionally, you will be able to filter this information by specific date ranges, allowing for targeted analysis and efficient order management. 

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date and includes orders with the following fulfillment status: Not Fulfilled and Partially Fulfilled.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Fulfilled Date
  • Order Number
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Type
  • SubTotal

Order Reports Detailed Summary

202 Shipping Report

This report provides an overview of order processes, capturing key data points such as: order and shipment number, courier, tracking number, shipping and billing information, delivery instructions, products, quantity, discount, FOB and total amount. You will be able to filter by date range.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date, fulfillment status, channel, and order delivery method, and it can also include bundle breakouts.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Version
  • Client
  • Order No
  • Shipment No
  • Type
  • Date
  • Courier
  • Tracking
  • ShipFirstName
  • ShipLastName
  • ShipCompany
  • ShipAddress1
  • ShipAddress2
  • ShipCity
  • ShipState
  • ShipZipcode
  • ShipCountry
  • ShipPhone
  • ShipPhone2
  • ShipEmail
  • BillFirstName
  • BillLastName
  • BillAddress
  • BillCity
  • BillState
  • BillZipCode
  • Bill Credit Card No
  • Bill Credit Card Exp
  • DelivInstr
  • Message
  • Freight
  • Ins
  • Total Amount
  • Product 1 - 21
  • Quantity 1 - 21
  • Desc 1 - 21
  • Fob
  • Amount 1 - 21

205 Shipping Report (WSN Sales)

This report is designed to streamline the order management process by providing a comprehensive overview of all key data points. It enables efficient tracking and analysis of orders, from the initial order number to the final delivery details. With the ability to filter by date range, users can easily access specific information relevant to their needs, ensuring a smooth and organized approach to order processing and shipment tracking.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date, fulfillment status, channel, and order delivery method, and it can also include bundle breakouts.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Format Version
  • Client Code
  • Order Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Onsite
  • License to License
  • Do not reconfigure
  • Force 3-tier
  • Order Type
  • Sub-Club
  • Order Date
  • Carrier / Ship Method
  • Carrier Tracking No
  • Fulfiller
  • Requested Ship Date
  • Compliance ID
  • Age Verification ID
  • Recipient ID
  • Recipient First Name
  • Recipient Last Name
  • Recipient Company
  • Recipient Address 1
  • Recipient Address 2
  • Recipient City
  • Recipient State
  • Recipient Postal Code
  • Recipient Country
  • Recipient Work Phone
  • Recipient Home Phone
  • Recipient Mobile Phone
  • Recipient Email
  • Recipient DOB
  • Customer ID
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Company
  • Customer Address 1
  • Customer Address 2
  • Customer City
  • Customer State
  • Customer Postal Code
  • Customer Country
  • Customer Work Phone
  • Customer Home Phone
  • Customer Mobile Phone
  • Customer Email
  • Customer DOB
  • Credit Card Number
  • Credit Card Exp Date
  • Payment Authorization Code
  • Special Instructions
  • Gift?
  • Gift Message
  • Shipping Total
  • Handling Fees
  • Discount Amount
  • Insurance (if more than Carrier Std)
  • Retail Amt (Products Only)
  • Product 1 Supplier
  • Product 1 SKU
  • Product 1 Quantity
  • Product 1 Name
  • Product 1 Tax
  • Product 1 Price
  • Product 1 Alcohol
  • Product 1 Weight
  • Product 1 InventoryLocation

209 Shipping Report

This report offers a comprehensive view of order processes, detailing key data points for thorough analysis. It includes essential information such as order numbers, courier details, and tracking numbers. Additionally, it encompasses shipping and billing information, delivery instructions, and financial aspects like price, quantity, taxes, discounts, and the total transaction amount. For added convenience, the report features a date range filter, allowing for targeted data retrieval from inventory location records.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date, fulfillment status, channel, and order delivery method.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Format Version
  • Client Code
  • Marketing Brand Code
  • Order No
  • 3P Order No
  • Parcel ID
  • 3P Package ID
  • FORT Package ID
  • PO #
  • Manifest / Shipment Number
  • Onsite
  • License to License
  • Prevent Reconfiguration
  • Package Type
  • Other Licensee / Force 3-tier
  • 2Tier Licensee Company Code
  • 3P Order Source
  • Order Type
  • Sub-Type
  • Sort Code
  • Order Date
  • Invoice Date
  • Payment Date 
  • Carrier / Ship Method
  • ASR
  • Courier Tracking No
  • Fulfiller
  • Warehouse Depletion Location
  • Warehouse Manifest Location
  • Requested Ship Date
  • Requested Delivery Date
  • Crossdock Date Sent
  • Crossdock Date Received
  • Ship Date (actual)
  • Package Status
  • Package Shipping Status Flag
  • Package Status Comment
  • Compliance ID
  • Age Verification ID
  • Recipient ID
  • 3P Recipient ID (Ship To)
  • Recipient Type
  • Recipient First Name
  • Recipient Last Name
  • Recipient Company
  • Recipient Address 1
  • Recipient Address 2
  • Recipient City
  • Recipient State
  • Recipient Postal Code
  • Recipient Country
  • Recipient Work Phone
  • Recipient Home Phone
  • Recipient Mobile Phone
  • Recipient Email
  • Recipient DOB
  • Recipient Age Confirm
  • Customer ID
  • 3P Customer ID
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Bill To Address ID
  • Customer Company
  • Customer Address 1
  • Customer Address 2
  • Customer City
  • Customer State
  • Customer Postal Code
  • Customer Country
  • Customer Work Phone
  • Customer Home Phone
  • Customer Mobile Phone
  • Customer Email
  • Customer DOB
  • Customer Age Confirm
  • Payment Method: Cash & Credit Card
  • Currency
  • FX Rate
  • Credit Card Number
  • Credit Card Exp Date
  • Payment Authorization Code
  • Payment Billing Status
  • Payment Type
  • Special Instructions
  • Delivery Instructions
  • Gift?
  • Gift Message
  • Gift Card
  • Gift Wrap
  • Ship Mode
  • Special Packaging
  • Shipping Total
  • Handling Fees
  • Tax Rate
  • Tax Rate ID
  • Total Tax Collected
  • Product Tax Amount
  • Freight Tax Amount
  • Handling Tax Amount
  • Excise Tax
  • Discount Amount
  • Discount Amount Product
  • Discount Amount Freight
  • Insurance (if more than Carrier Std)
  • Total Transaction Amount (CC Charge Amount)
  • Retail Amt (Products Only)
  • Product 1 Supplier
  • Product 1 SKU
  • Product 1 Quantity
  • Product 1 Name
  • Product 1 Tax
  • Product 1 Sales Tax Rate
  • Product 1 Sales Tax ID
  • Product 1 Excise
  • Product 1 Cost
  • Product 1 Discount
  • Product 1 Price
  • Product 1 Alcohol %
  • Product 1 Weight
  • Product 1 InventoryLocation

Daily Activity Report

This report is a valuable tool for businesses to monitor and analyze sales transactions by product type, order type, delivery method, tender type, and SKU brand. It offers a flexible filtering system, allowing users to view information within a specific date range.

The report is obtained from the Order endpoint.

The report can be filtered by the order paid date.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Sales Overview
    • Product Type
      • Net Sales
      • Shipping Total
      • GST Total
      • PST Total
      • Tax Total
      • Total Sales
      • Tips Total
      • Total Revenue
    • Gross Sales
    • Discount
    • Net Product Sales
    • Cost of Goods
  • Sales by Order Type
    • Order Type
      • Club 
      • Inbound
      • POS
    • Subtotal
    • Shipping
    • Taxes
    • Bottle Deposit
    • Tips
    • Total After Tips
  • Sales by Delivery Method
    • Delivery Method
      • Carry Out
      • Pickup
      • Ship
    • Subtotal
    • Shipping
    • Taxes
    • Bottle Deposit
    • Tips
    • Total After Tips
  • Sales by Tender Type
  • Sales by SKU
    • Brand
    • Department
    • Product Name
    • SKU
    • Total Sold
    • Sold Price
    • Net Sales
    • Cost of Goods

Here’s an overview of the report format:

Order Sales Tax Report

This report provides comprehensive sales tax information for orders, including the date of payment, sales channel, shipping costs, taxes, and duties. You can easily filter this information by date range to suit your analysis needs.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Paid Date
  • Order Number
  • Channel
  • Order Delivery Method
  • Country
  • State
  • Shipping
  • Taxes
  • Duties
  • Bottle Deposit
  • Total
  • Tip Total
  • Total After Tip

Unfulfilled Orders Report

This report provides detailed information on refund orders that have been paid but not shipped. It includes the current fulfillment status, product title, SKUs, department code, sales associate, quantities, and financial details such as price, discount, shipping cost, and taxes. Additionally, you can filter this information by specific date ranges, enabling targeted analysis and efficient order management.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Number
  • Refund From Order Number
  • Fulfillment Status
  • Channel
  • Order Delivery Method: Ship, Carry Out & Pick up
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Email
  • Product Title
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title: 750ml, 1.5 Liter, etc
  • SKU
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • SubTotal
  • Shipping Total
  • Tax Total
  • Total Discount
  • Total
  • Tax Type
  • Department Code
  • Code
  • Sales Associate

Fulfilled Orders Report

This report provides a detailed overview of order fulfillment processes, capturing critical data points such as fulfillment status, delivery methods, channel, SKUs, and quantity fulfilled. It also includes financial metrics like pricing, discounts, ship-to state code, shipping costs, and taxes. The ability to filter this data by date range enhances its utility, allowing for targeted analysis over specific periods.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Submitted Date
  • Order Paid Date
  • Order Number
  • Refund From Order Number
  • Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled, No Fulfillment & Fulfilled
  • Channel: Inbound, Web, Club & POS
  • Order Delivery Method: Ship, Carry Out & Pick up
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Customer Email
  • Product Title
  • Type
  • Product Variant Title
  • SKU
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • SubTotal
  • Shipping Total
  • Tax Total
  • Total Discount
  • Total
  • Tax Type
  • Department Code
  • Code
  • Sales Associate
  • Ship To State Code

ShipCompliant Direct Order Import Report

The ShipCompliant Direct Order Import Report is a crucial tool for businesses managing direct-to-consumer orders efficiently. With the ability to filter data by date range, it allows for targeted analysis over specific periods, enhancing its utility.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Version
  • Company
  • Sales Order Key
  • Fulfillment Account Key
  • Shipment Key
  • Club Type
  • Sub Club
  • Pickup
  • 3 Tier
  • Tags
  • Reserved 1
  • Reserved 2
  • Reserved 3
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Company
  • Billing Address 1
  • Billing Address 2
  • Billing City
  • Billing State
  • Billing Zip
  • Billing Date Of Birth
  • Billing Email
  • Billing Phone
  • Sales Type
  • Order Type
  • Customer Number
  • Payment Date
  • Shipping Last Name
  • Shipping First Name
  • Shipping Company
  • Shipping Address 1
  • Shipping Address 2
  • Shipping City
  • Shipping State
  • Shipping Zip
  • Shipping County
  • Shipping Date Of Birth
  • Shipping Email
  • Shipping Phone
  • Carrier Service
  • Ship Date
  • Freight Cost
  • Tracking Number
  • Sample Type
  • Age Check ID
  • Discount Amount
  • Discount %
  • RDBI
  • Compliant
  • Compliance Results
  • Fulfillment House
  • Shipment Status
  • License Relationship
  • Insured Amount
  • Sales Tax Charged
  • Handling Fees
  • Gift Note
  • Special Instructions
  • Brand Key
  • Product Key
  • Quantity
  • Unit Price
  • Weight
  • Marketing Fee Per Unit

Pick and Pack Report

This report provides information used to ship your orders, including customer names, shipping and trustee information, SKUs, and quantities fulfilled. The ability to filter this information by date range adds an extra layer of convenience, allowing for quick access to specific shipping periods.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. 

  • Order Number
  • Order Type
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name
  • Shipping First Name
  • Shipping Last Name
  • Shipping Company
  • Shipping Address 1
  • Shipping Address 2
  • Shipping City
  • Shipping State
  • Shipping Postal Code
  • Shipping Phone
  • Shipping Method Name
  • Email
  • Ship Date
  • Shipping Instructions
  • Gift Message
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Trustee Name
  • Trustee Email
  • Trustee Phone
  • Product 1 SKU
  • Product 1 Quantity
  • Product 1 Name

Gift Card Transactions Report

This report provides comprehensive gift card information for managing and analyzing gift card transactions. It captures essential data points such as transaction dates, types, order numbers, specific transaction details, accompanying notes, and the transaction amounts. You can easily filter this information by date range to suit your analysis needs.

Below are the columns that are in the default report.

  • Gift Card Id
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Type: Manual & Order
  • Order Number
  • Transaction Details: Initialize Gift Card, Reload Gift Card & Gift Card Used
  • Notes
  • Amount

Callahan Compliance Report

This report provides detailed insights into Callahan compliant order performance, including essential details such as order numbers, dates, billing and shipping addresses. Track SKUs purchased, volume metrics in ML and GAL, and comprehensive financial breakdowns from subtotal to grand total. 

Below are the columns that are in the default report. This report is only available on request.

  • Order Number
  • Order Date
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing Address
  • Billing City
  • Billing State Code
  • Billing Zip Code
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Shipping Address
  • Shipping City
  • Shipping State
  • Shipping ZIP
  • DOB
  • SKUs purchased
  • Total sku count
  • total ML volume
  • L
  • total GAL volume
  • subtotal
  • shipping charged
  • total before taxes
  • total tax charged
  • grand total
  • Carrier
  • Tracking

In House Fulfillment Report

This report provides insights into your in-house fulfillment operations with essential details like customer information including names and contact information, billing and shipping addresses, product specifics like names, SKUs, and quantities, along with shipping details such as weight and instructions and more. Ensuring you have all the information needed to streamline your fulfillment processes effectively.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. This report is only available on request.

  • NAME
  • LAST
  • CITY
  • ZIP
  • SHIP
  • REF2
  • REF3
  • REF4
  • SKU
  • QTY

CVS Report

This report provides customer shipping information, including names, company details, and contact information. It covers complete shipping addresses and specifies the preferred shipping method and unique order numbers. Personalized elements such as recipient messages and special instructions are included, along with insurance amounts and detailed product quantities.

Below are the columns that are in the default report. This report is only available on request.

  • CITY
  • QTY1
  • QTY2

Vintrace Report

This report details customer transactions including identities, sales channels, types, pricing structures, invoice dates, and sales regions. It covers product information such as item codes, prices, quantities, discounts, and totals, along with accounting details, tax rates, fulfillment statuses, and POS profiles. This data supports sales analysis, customer insights, pricing strategies, inventory management, financial reporting

Below are the columns that are in the default report. This report is only available on request.

  • Customer
  • Channel
  • Sales type
  • Price list
  • External reference
  • Invoice date
  • Sales region
  • Item code
  • Unit price
  • Quantity
  • Discount
  • Total
  • Net Price
  • Account
  • Tax rate
  • Fulfilled
  • POS Profile