Kitchen Tickets App

The Kitchen Tickets App is owned and built by a 3rd party developer (Treefrog Digital). For questions regarding setup, printing, or support, contact

The Kitchen Ticket App functionality

The Kitchen Tickets app lets you send the cart’s content from your Commerce7 POS to a thermal printer in your kitchen, tasting room, bar, etc.

The app enables you to print tickets in 3.5” thermal printers.  Currently, our app only works with Epson Thermal Printers. This documentation describes how to install the Epson TM-T88VI-i thermal printer, but the process can be tried with other Epson Thermal Printers.

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Setting up the Kitchen Tickets App.

Navigate to the app store in your Commerce7 admin panel and click on the Kitchen Tickets App. Note: You need to have an  Admin Owner role to see this page.

Click on the  INSTALL button to install the application. After the installation is complete, the application will appear under the Store menu page from your admin panel.

The Kitchen Ticket App settings

Before you start sending your orders to the printer for completion, we recommend configuring your thermal printer as well as customizing the look of your tickets. 

Go to your admin panel and click on  Store. Scroll down and click on Kitchen Tickets

In the Kitchen Tickets Settings window, you will see the options to configure your thermal printers and to choose a receipt template. 

Kitchen Ticket App receipt templates

Our app includes a free template for your tickets. We hope to add more options for you in the future. If you need to customize your tickets to a specific look, contact us at

Setting up a thermal printer

Our Kitchen Tickets app currently only works with the Commerce7 recommended Epson thermal printers and Star MC-Print3.

Inside the same Kitchen Tickets Settings window, found on your admin panel in Store > Kitchen Tickets, click on Thermal Printers to configure your printer.

To set up a new printer, click on Add Thermal Printer.

Type the  Printer ID and the Printer Name. The Printer ID must not contain spaces, and we recommend not having uppercase or symbols.

  • Printer ID: This ID will be used for configuring your actual receipt printer. 
  • Printer Name: An internal name for reference to identify your printer.

For example, if the Printer ID is ‘Printer One’ type ‘printer_one’, then click on  Save.

If your printer has already been configured, use the same Printer ID from your previous configuration. 

Configuring your Epson Thermal Printer

To configure your receipt printer, follow the instructions below.

  1. Install the supplied sample paper roll into the printer
  2. Connect the printer to your local network using a Cat5/Cat6 Ethernet patch cable. Plug the printer into the power outlet and turn the printer on.
  3. Wait for one minute, and the printer will start and print the local IP address obtained from your network.
  4. Type in the IP address into a web browser from a computer on the same network (Example:
  5. Login with the following credentials: 

Username:  epson  Password:  <Printer Serial Number> (for older printers, the PW is: epson)

6. On the EpsonNet Config page (see below), click on EpsonNet Config for TM-i

You will see the  EsponNet Config for TM-i as follows:

  1. Click on Server Direct Print

For example,

You can find your tenant id in Commcer7 Admin > Settings > General > Tenant

  • Interval = 30. (Do not set less than 15 seconds or service may be throttled). 
  • ID = The ID of the printer you configured earlier in the app installation panel. 
  • Name = The ID of the printer you configured earlier in this documentation in the app installation panel. 
  • Server Authentication = Disabled
  1. Under  Device Admin, click on Printer, and the following page will be displayed.

  • Device ID = The ID of the printer you configured earlier in this documentation in the Setting up a Thermal Printer section.
  • IP Address = Enter the internal IP
  • Click on Apply & Restart in the upper right-hand corner.

Configuring your Star MC-Print 3 Thermal Printer

  1. Paper: Put the roll of paper into the printer.
  2. Power: Plug in Ethernet & Power & Turn the printer on.
  3. The printer should print out its IP address within 1 minute.
    1. Most networks are configured with DHCP to provide new devices with an IP address. If your printer does not print out an IP address within a minute of turning it on, you should consult your IT department or provider for instructions.
  4. Enter the IP address on the printout into your browser to get to the printer configuration page. (example:
  5. Enter the default username and password
    1. username = root
    2. password = public
  6. You will be prompted to change the password, put in a password, and record this for future use.

Click CloudPRNT in the left-hand navigation under Network Configuration.

a. Under CloudPRNT Service select "ENABLE"

b. Enter the Server URL as"your-tenant-id-here"


c. Click Submit

d. Click the flashing red Save link in the left-hand navigation

e. Click the Execute button.

f. Go back to CloudPRNT and choose Accept all (warning - not secure) for the HTTPS Client Settings. Save and Execute.

Sending items to a thermal printer from Commerce7 POS

You will be able to send orders to your printer only within the Commerce7 POS. To start sending orders, go to your POS by clicking on the icon

on the upper right-hand corner of your Commerce7 admin panel. 

Click on the POS options; once inside the POS, add products to your cart if you want to add the table number and no. of guests to your ticket

Click on the More Actions link, then More Info; under the Kitchen Ticket Table & Kitchen Ticket Guests, type in the necessary information, then click Save Additional Information.

Once you are ready to print, click on the More Actions link, then Send to Kitchen Tickets option.

1. Choose which items to print.

2. Optional: add ticket notes.

3. Select a printer from the drop-down menu

4. Click on the Print button

Your items will be printed.

Adding Modifiers to your Ticket


Modifiers are coming to Commerce7, and once they officially launch, our Kitchet Ticket will be compatible with these modifiers. You’ll be able to select modifiers before printing your ticket, and they will, of course, appear on the printed ticket itself. 

To select and add modifiers to your ticket, the product you select must first have modifiers configured. 

Configuring modifiers for a product can be done from your Commerce7 admin panel under Store - Products, and you’ll see a Modifiers tab.

You can add several modifiers in groups, for example, a group Topping modifier, which consists of 3 modifier options.

You can select if the modifier is required and if selecting a specific modifier adds an extra price to the product. 

Once your products have modifiers configured, these will show up on the POS and can be added to your tickets.

Select a product with a modifier; in this example, we added a Pizza product to our ticket.

When you try adding the product to your ticket, a window with the modifiers options will pop up. Select the desired options and click on Add Item.

Once you add the item, you’ll see a brief summary of the selected modifiers.

Once you have added all the items to the ticket, click the arrow beside the customer name and select Send to Kitchen Tickets to print your ticket.  

How to add Table Number and Guest Number

If you need to add a table or guest number, you can access the More Actions link on the POS and select Additional Order Info.

Here, you’ll find the fields for Kitchen Ticket Table and Kitchen Ticket Guests. Any values you save in these fields will be displayed on your ticket.