Tracking Number Uploader App

The Tracking Number Uploader App is owned and built by a 3rd party developer ( Treefrog Digital). For questions regarding setup, tracking, orders, or support, contact


The Tracking Number Uploader App marks orders as fulfilled by uploading a CSV file with the order numbers, carriers, tracking numbers, and ship dates. This allows marking orders in bulk. As well, the app provides a log of each processed order to identify errors during the import.

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Navigate to the Apps & Extensions page in your Commerce7 admin panel and click on the Tracking Number Uploader app. You need to have an Admin Owner role to see this page.

Click on the Install button to install the application. After the installation is complete, go to the Store menu and click on the Order page. The More Actions menu will show the Upload Tracking Number option.

How to Upload Tracking Numbers from the Tracking Number Uploader App

To start importing your orders’ tracking information, first, you need to prepare a CSV file with the following information:

  • Order Number
  • Ship Date (optional)
  • Tracking Number
  • Carrier (UPS, FedEx, or Other)
  • Inventory Location ID (optional, if need to change)
  • Notify Customer (optional)

If the Ship Date is not specified, the app will automatically assign the date when the file was uploaded.

You can obtain the Inventory LocationID under Commerce7 > Settings > Locations by clicking on the desired location. The Location ID will be on the URL of your browser like it shows the red box in the following image:

To notify a customer, you need to fill the Notify Customer column of your CSV file with 1, true or yes. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

If you wish to add multiple tracking numbers to an order, you’ll need to add the tracking numbers separated by a comma value under the tracking number field. (ex. 390928904680, 508020403070). 

Once the file has been uploaded, you’ll see the tracking numbers under Orders - Fulfillment. 

Here’s a quick video demonstrating how to add multiple tracking numbers to an order VIEW VIDEO :

The file  must not be greater than 1MB in size, and the file name should not contain spaces or special characters. You can download a CSV template from the Upload Tracking Number option under the More Actions menu.

You may also download the template by clicking on the Store menu from your Admin panel, then scrolling down and clicking on the Tracking Number Uploader app.

Click on the Upload Tracking Numbers button, and this will take you to the upload screen. Under the CSV File text on the left side, there is a link to download the CSV template for your convenience.

Write a title in the Title field before uploading your file. This title is for internal use only. Then click on the Choose File button to import your CSV file. Finally, click on the Save button to start the import.

Remember that your file  must not be greater than 1MB in size, and the file name should not contain spaces or special characters

Once you have uploaded your file, the page will refresh and take you back to the initial Tracking Number Uploader App page. 

On this page, you will see a log of all the imports done through the app. The log has the following information:

  • TITLE: This title is internal and was given at the moment of uploading the file
  • FILENAME: This is the actual CSV file name
  • PROGRESS: Under this column, you will see the words Done if your file has finished importing or In Progress if the app is still working on the file.
  • STATUS: Once your file is done processing, you should see the word Success under this column.
  • SUCCESS: Under this column, you will see the number of orders that were successfully imported. By clicking on the number, you will get a detailed list of the orders uploaded.
  • ERROR: Under this column, you will see the number of orders which were unable to be imported. By clicking on the number, you will get a detailed list of the orders with errors and the type of error. 
  • TOTAL: The total number of orders processed both successfully and with errors.
  • CREATED AT: The date and time the upload was done. 

Once your file has been imported completely, you will see it as Done under the Progress column, and as Success under the Status column.

By  clicking on the numbers in the success, error, or total columns, you’ll be able to see a detailed list of the orders that were uploaded and processed. If the ERROR column has any number other than 0, you should click on it. This is to review the orders that we’re unable to be imported and the error message. 

How to Upload Tracking Numbers from the Order Page 

There are two ways you can import your order tracking information. The first option is from within the Tracking Number Uploader App. The second option is from the Order page.

Under the Store menu from your Admin panel, click on Order. Once inside the Order page, click on More Actions, then click on the Upload Tracking Number option.

This will take you to an upload screen. From this screen, the steps to importing your tracking information are the same as the steps on How to Upload Tracking Numbers from the Tracking Number Uploader App section.